Selfklebenden Mobelfolien eignen sich hervorragend für die individuelle Gestaltung von Küchen- und Wohnmobeln


Unsere selbstklebenden d-c-fix Folien eignen sich hervorragend für individuelle Gestaltung von Küchen- und Wohnmobeln, deren Aussehen von Holz oder anderen Materialien verändert werden kann. Whether a cabinet, sideboard or bedroom wardrobe - with our selfklebenden mobelfolien, you can give these pieces of furniture a completely new look without having to replace or renovate them. Our product range offers you a broad selection of designs and colours to choose from, so that you can find the right pattern for every room in your house.

Besides the wide selection of design options, the easy processing of our selfklebenden mobelfolien is also an advantage. In contrast to conventional paints and lacquers, our d-c-fix folien don’t require any special skills or tools to be processed. Instead, all you need is a stift, cutter or a scissors. You can even use a template if you want to cut out the patterned patterns precisely and exactly. If you have any doubts about the processing of our d-c-fix folien, we have a series of helpful video tutorials on our website that explain everything in detail.

Our d-c-fix folien are not only easy to handle but also very durable, especially with repeated use. After all, they have a high-quality laminate on their surface that makes them extremely scratch-resistant. In addition, they are also abrasion-resistant and heat-resistant. This means that you can use them for a very long time and enjoy them in your home for many years.

The d-c-fix folien can be used on Folie holzoptik any type of furniture, from kitchens to bedrooms and lounges. They are ideal for cupboards, cabinets and sideboards, as well as upholstered pieces of furniture such as sofas or armchairs. They can be trimmed to fit any size of door or window and are suitable for all types of materials.

Our range includes both coloured and matt d-c-fix folien, as well as a variety of textured designs that are designed to replicate the appearance of wood or a different material. The textured surface of these d-c-fix folien also provides a good grip on the doors and drawers. In this way, they prevent the furniture from slipping.

The range of d-c-fix folien is constantly expanding, so that you can always find the right product for your needs. We also offer additional products such as tapes and spachteln, which make the processing of our d-c-fix mobelfolien even easier.

In addition to our d-c-fix folien, you can also use our mobelfolies in your kitchen. In this way, you can give your cooking and dining area a new look that will impress your guests. Our mobelfolies also serve a functional purpose, as they protect your kitchen equipment against scratches and abrasions.

Our d-c-fix mobelfolien are available in a wide variety of colours and patterns, so that you can find the perfect design for your furniture. You can order them online from us, or you can call our customer service if you have any questions about the products.

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